AIAS Workshop: Reconnecting science and society through journalism
This afternoon workshop on science journalism is a continuation of my AIAS seminar 'Beyond the headlines: Reconnecting Science and Society through Journalism'. Participants will learn about constructive journalism and why this approach is important for science journalism and science in general. I encourage all participants to actively participate in the roundtable and share their experiences as researchers or journalists to discuss the potential and challenges of science communication around the question: "How can (your) science be communicated in a constructive way? We will start the afternoon with a presentation by Peter Damgaard from the Constructive Institute at Aarhus University. He will talk about the potential of constructive (science) journalism to engage audiences and combat news fatigue. I am very much looking forward to hosting this unique event on the future of science journalism!
AIAS workshop, 2.12.2024 at 13.00
AIAS seminar, 2.12.2024 at 11.00